Italian business schools try to take on the Mafia
PEOPLE who live in Calabria and Sicily have average incomes less than half of what their fellow citizens earn in Lombardy and Tyrol. Some, if not most, of that difference can probably be attributed to the pervasive crime and corruption caused by the Mafia in southern Italy. The mob is so persistent because, like all good businessmen, Sicily’s Mafiosi have done a good job of tying their welfare to that of their local communities. One strategy is to operate many legal businesses with more employees than necessary, paying wages that would be hard to sustain if there were no illicit revenue streams available to supplement legal cash flows. This presents a problem for law enforcement agencies because many people generally resent what happens when these legitimate businesses are seized by the state.
Valorizzazione delle competenze dei dirigenti industriali di Milano per la gestione delle imprese sequestrate e confiscate alla mafia: progetto nato dalla collaborazione di Assolombarda insieme all’agenzia per la destinazione dei beni sequestrati.